November 5, 2024

RFE Investment Partners Named to Inc.’s 2024 Founder-Friendly Investors List

WESTPORT, CT, November 5, 2024 – RFE Investment Partners is pleased to announce that it was named to Inc.’s annual Founder-Friendly Investors list for the second consecutive year.  The list celebrates investors that excel in partnering with founder-led companies to help them thrive.  Inc. selected investors who have successful track records of collaboration and remaining actively involved with the businesses they invest in.

“We take great pride in fostering enduring partnerships with family and founder-owned businesses.  RFE is committed to building great companies that help unlock the potential of their employees and stakeholders,” said Paul Schilpp, Managing Partner of RFE Investment Partners. “We are grateful to be included on this year’s list and believe it’s a testament to the history that our firm has spent at this end of the market.”

RFE has a track record over four decades of working with founders to help them grow their businesses and drive enhanced value creation. Foundational to its strategy is supporting growth, both organic and inorganic through acquisition, by building management infrastructure, increasing production capacity, developing new products/services, and expanding geographic reach.

 To compile the list, Inc. went straight to the source: entrepreneurs who have sold to private equity and venture capital firms. Founders filled out a questionnaire about their experiences partnering with private equity, venture capital, and debt firms and shared data on how their portfolio companies have grown during these partnerships.

To see the complete list, go to:


About RFE Investment Partners

RFE Investment Partners is a Connecticut-based private equity firm focused on making control investments in established lower-middle market companies located in the United States. RFE’s investment strategy is to transform its portfolio companies from the lower end of the market to fully professionalized and market-leading middle market companies. RFE has over a four-decade history of supporting well-built platform companies by building high pedigree and deep management teams, professionalizing systems and processes, and executing on focused M&A efforts. RFE is currently investing out of Fund IX and typically invests in businesses that generate between $20 million and $75 million in revenue.